Tecno K Giunti
Tecno K Giunti is leading for the design & production of seismic joint covers for use on all civil and industrial structures such as: hospitals, shopping malls, railway stations, factories, car parks, airports. Tecno K Giunti also designs,with success, ad hoc joint systems for complex issues, tailor-made solutions in all areas of engineering. Tecno K Giunti supports, with the professionalism and experience of its technical team, designers, business owners, entrepreneurs, public administrations. The combination of technology, experience, beauty and functionality, which well represents the made in Italy, is their mission.
Each year many thousands of deaths and injuries occur as a result of fire, and the cost of damage to property alone cannot be understated.
The ability to contain a fire at its source and limit the rate at which it spreads throughout a building, or protect the structure from the devastating effects of reaching critical temperatures, can be significantly enhanced with effective fire protection.
High quality products installed properly can perform as intended and gain that vital additional time which could mean the difference between relatively minor damage and total loss.